Become a PJALS member!
PJALS is powered by everyday people like you! For nearly 50 years, individual members have been the foundation to sustaining our work together. With your one-time or recurring member gift at any level that works for you, you gain the opportunity to help set our issue priorities via member surveys and enjoy a discounted member rate for any of our events and workshops. You are also invited to volunteer your talents, skills, and passion for peace and justice.
Support the work of peace and justice.
Volunteers change the world.
PJALS is powered by everyday people like you who give their talents, skills, and passion for justice.
Sign up to volunteer.
Supporting Peace and Justice for decades to come.

Bequests & Gift Planning
For over 45 years the Peace and Justice Action League has engaged everyday, conscientious people like you in our mission to create a just and nonviolent world. Gifts and support from members fund the work that we do together. Your gifts, past and present, make our mission a reality.
What if you could continue giving far into the future? This is both possible and simple to do by creating a legacy gift.
In our Peace & Justice Action League community we know everyday people can accomplish extraordinary things together. We are powered by our mission: to build a just and nonviolent world. That means exposing and transforming systems of violence and oppression, including racism, patriarchy, and militarism. That means using an intersectional racial equity analysis and commitment. That means altering the relations of power so that people impacted by decisions are in the driver’s seat to make those decisions.
That means building a mass movement of everyday people committed to accountability and action.Your legacy gift will help ensure sustainable funding to fuel this long-term work for decades to come.
Legacy gifts can come to PJALS in a number of forms, including a fixed amount or a percentage. One of the easiest ways to create a legacy gift is to direct your attorney to include our organization in your will when you create or revise it. You can also name the Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane as a beneficiary of an IRA, 401(k), or life insurance policy.
To learn more about how your generosity can impact the future of PJALS, please contact Liz Moore at (509) 838-7870 or [email protected].
Other ways to give:
- Please mail checks made payable to PJALS to: PJALS 35 W. Main Suite 120M Spokane, WA 99201-0668.
- Round up to the nearest dollar on debit or credit card purchases to support PJALS at MyChange.
- For Business/Organization Sponsorships, or for questions about membership, contact Shar at [email protected].
- Please call us at (509) 838-7870 if you’d like to propose other ways to participate in building a just and nonviolent world for all. We’re always interested in new ideas.
PJALS is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation and donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Workplace Giving
Donations made effortless.

Did you know you can support PJALS every month through workplace giving?
These modest but regular infusions of financial support when multiplied by other members will fall like a steady, nourishing rain on our progressive groundwork. They will keep us going and growing, spreading our grassroots network.
Ask your employer if they participate in United Way. If so, determine what percentage of your paycheck you can comfortably donate each month, then inform your employer you’d like to donate that amount to PJALS through United Way.
If you are a state employee, giving is easy! You can give through Washington’s Combined Fund Drive. Our Combined Fund Drive “Charity Code” is 0330292 and our Federal Tax ID Number is 91-1234899. Then, simply click “start giving to this charity.” It’s as easy as that.