We are everyday people accomplishing extraordinary things together.

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Photo of PJALS marching in 2023 Pride Parade

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We are now accepting applications for TWO exciting positions on our PJALS staff team

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2024 Priorities

Ending mass incarceration and systemic racism in our city-county carceral system

Countering White Nationalism

  • By building an informed, active, explicitly anti-racist culture within our base and the greater Spokane region through our BOLD program and other workshops. We also train Peacekeepers as part of a tradition of street mobilization in support of our campaigns and values.

Education for Action on Grassroots Organizing and Racial Justice

Young Activist Leaders Program (YALP)

  • Engages the next generation of leaders in organizing and empowers youth as leaders in PJALS. Our multi-generational membership consistently identifies this work as a priority. Learn more here.

We use a participatory member-driven approach to set our organizational priorities: our bi-ennial Member Survey tells us what issues are most important to members and provides feedback to our Steering Committee, which then finalizes the priorities. Our Values and Commitment call us to use an intersectional racial equity lens on every issue, in all of our work.


Our Programs


Showing Up for Racial Justice Committee

We partner with leaders of groups targeted by racism to identify and support Spokane campaigns and needs. We also work to educate white people on the role of white supremacy and/or privilege in maintaining racist systems and on the potential new role in dismantling them.

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Peace and Justice Action Committee

We have a commitment to develop our stand for peace and to redefine our international peace and human rights work in the context of recent volatile escalation of militarism, anti-Muslim bigotry, racism and anti-Semitism. Our Peace and Justice Action Committee focuses on this commitment.

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Photo of 6 people with signs that read a variety of personalized messages about belonging, diversity, justice, and peace.

Young Activist Leaders Program

Our leadership development program empowers young people who value equality, human rights, and peace to explore social justice together. We provide a gathering place for asking questions, educating each other, and helping grow a vibrant network committed to PJALS’ values.

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Let's be bold in Spokane County

Let’s be BOLD together!

You are invited to be part of our BOLD Project – Building, Organizing, Leadership Development! When we come together to reject racism as a weapon of the reactionary rich, we ensure that the government works for all of us, of every race and color. Please join us five consecutive Monday evenings from March 6th to April 3rd, 2023!