Our Peace & Justice Action Committee (PJAC) had begun offering a video conference option in February to allow folks to participate regardless of weather or other conditions so transitioning our work online was a smoother transition for members of this committee. We continue to meet via zoom on the first Thursday of each month.

This committee has joined with other folks to form our Spokane Advocacy Team and join with 130 other teams across the country as part of the Friends Committee on National Legislation’s (FCNL) Advocacy Team Network. This network works together building relationships with members of congress with a focus on a specific policy and unified message. Focus for this year – End Endless War with a focus on Iran. We were part of a historical victory with passage of the War Powers Resolution on Iran in both chambers with bi-partisan support. This is only the 2nd time a war powers resolution has been passed. We are currently building support for the No War with Iran Act, shifting funding from the Defense budget to necessary services to address the pandemic, and calling for an end to sanctions against Iran.

Our committee has grown over the past few months as we went through our advocacy trainings with FCNL and began meeting with staff of Members of Congress. The dedication and energy of our committee members fuels our work and gives me hope. In February, we met with staff for Senators Murray and Cantwell. Now, we are working on meetings with Rep. McMorris Rodgers’ office as well as future video meetings with our Senators. Committee members consistently contact our Senators and Representative and submit letters to the editor on the policy issues we are focused on.

Watch for an email alert with ways you can take action to support efforts to increase support for the No War with Iran Act, move funding from the defense budget to vital services, and lift sanctions against Iran.

If you would like to join this committee, please email Shar at [email protected].