**Due to COVID-19 concerns, we have cancelled both of these events. We are exploring other options to get Zach’s message to folks in Spokane and will keep you updated. **
Our 11th Annual Peace & Justice Action Conference: Believing in the Yet to Be will be held March 20-21st at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane, 4340 W. Ft. George Wright Dr.
Friday, March 20th 6-8:00 pm We Keep Us Safe: Building Secure, Just, and Inclusive Communities
This year, we are offering this free, community event in addition to our conference to create more access to Zach and his vision for public safety.

Zach Norris, author of “We Keep Us Safe”
Zach will be discussing his newly released book, We Keep Us Safe: Building Secure, Just, and Inclusive Communities, laying out a new vision of a care-based strategy for public safety that overturns more than 200 years of fear-based discrimination, othering, and punishment.
If your group or organization would like to co-sponsor this event, please fill out this form or contact Shar at [email protected] for more information.
Saturday, March 21 9am-5pm All Day Action Conference
Join us for a full day with three workshop sessions, a fantastic keynote, breakfast, lunch, and lots of opportunities to connect with like-minded folks who are putting their values into action! See schedule below (workshop details available in early March).
Rave reviews about our Action Conference:
“Great variety of programs and the opportunity to meet new people!”
“It gave me inspiration and hope.”
“Surrounded by the energy of like minded people, rare in Spokane!”
“Open discussions, amazing positive energy, and equality.”
“I met amazing people and the mingle times were so productive and interesting. The energy at this conference and the reception was amazing. Wow! It is hard to feel hopeless about America’s current state when getting together to make a change like this.”
“Idealistic but practical. Motivating, energizing.”
Registration Rates ($5 early bird discount extended to March 6th):
- $60 General Public
- $45 members of PJALS and co-sponsoring groups (see list of co-sponsors below)
- $20 Living Lightly (self-identified low-income, students, seniors, etc)
- Limited “workshare volunteer scholarships” are available—please sign up for the volunteer shift of your choice here or contact Shar at slichty for info. Two-hour workshare shifts include set-up, registration table, resource table, clean-up, etc
Conference schedule (Saturday, March 21st):
8:00-9:00 Registration and Networking Breakfast
8:45-9:00 Opening Performance
9:00-9:30 Welcome and Dedication
9:30-9:45 Mixer Break
9:45-11:15 “Education for Action” Workshop Session 1 (90 min)
11:15-11:30 Mixer Break
11:30-1:00 “Education for Action” Workshop Session 2 (90 min)
1:00-1:45 Lunch
1:45-2:45 Keynote Speaker: Zach Norris is the Executive Director of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and co-founder of Restore Oakland, a community advocacy and training center that will empower Bay Area community members to transform local economic and justice systems and make a safe and secure future possible for themselves and for their families. Zach is also a co-founder of Justice for Families, a national alliance of family-driven organizations working to end our nation’s youth incarceration epidemic.
Zach will be discussing his newly released book, We Keep Us Safe: Building Secure, Just, and Inclusive Communities, laying out a new vision of a care-based strategy for public safety that overturns more than 200 years of fear-based discrimination, othering, and punishment. **We will have a limited number of books available for purchase at the conference**
2:45-3:00 Mixer Break
3:00-4:30 “Education for Action” Workshop Session 3 (90 min)
4:30-5:00 Closing Plenary: Going Forward Together!
Conference co-sponsors:
- Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane – our fantastic host
- Excelerate Success/United Way Spokane – Keynote Sponsor Friday Community Event & Saturday Conference
- Planned Parenthood of Greater WA & N. Idaho – Networking Breakfast sponsor
- Western States Center
- SEIU 1199NW
- Center for Justice
- The Black Lens
- Greater Spokane Progress
- 350 Spokane
If you are interested in sponsoring this great event, you can find our 2020 Sponsorship Packet here.
If you have any questions, please contact Shar at [email protected].