tylerWhen I began my internship at PJALS back in February I remember how ambitious and eager I was to create change and create new ways of doing things. I was excited to see what we could do and how we could create a new communications strategy. This was all before I had even started to really get to know and understand the organization well. At this time as I reflect on my overall time at the organization this one aspect that I will take away and know that I have grown from. I realize know how foolish that approach may have been, and I am grateful for the invaluable experience that I have gained from it. Among many of the new skills that I have gained in my time here at PJALS is how to work and communicate effectively in a diverse team environment.

Reflecting on the technical skills I learned, this internship has afforded me some very practical skills. The duties of this internship were in no way concrete and I did not mind that one bit. I was able to gain experience and learn in all different types of work. For example, I now am able to use the program Word press and how to manipulate basic website coding. As we often joke about, my legacy will be the surprisingly monumental task of finding a way to change the photos on the websites front page.

As well as the experience gained from working in a team environment, I am proud to have been a part of such a caring and necessary social justice organization in Spokane. The work that this organization does is beyond admirable, it is unequivocally moving not just for myself but for the community at large. This organization unknowingly inspires a movement within the community that is larger than itself and as I reflect on my time here at PJALS I will miss more than anything else being a part of this selfless fight for justice. I appreciate the time I had here and will miss the PJALS family that I am fortunate to have been a part of, if only for a little while. Thank You!