Populist Militarism and Trump’s War Agenda
Thursday, Sept 7, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Community Building Lobby, 35 W. Main

Militarism is an ideology–or, more accurately, a set of interconnected ideologies–that drives and sustains war. This workshop will focus on militarism and particularly the populist militarism of Donald Trump and his populist-nationalist base. This new militarism employs the language of violence and war to advance both domestic and global agendas. In turn, war-making energizes that same politics and potentially draws in others who embrace military violence as a viable means to prevent terrorism and to counter other dangers. How should peace and justice activists respond to these developments?

Presenter: Rob Crawford recently retired from teaching politics and history at the University of Washington, Tacoma. In 2007, he co-founded and has since then coordinated the Washington State Religious Campaign Against Torture.

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