Love & Outrage, a quarterly zine produced by a writer’s collective of PJALS activists is seeking writers, activists, organizers, neighbors, working people & artists for…

The Police Issue—The People Speak!

People need to speak because the some are trying to convince the public the Black Lives Matter movement is a threat to America.
People need to speak about over-policing, racial profiling, excessive use of force.
People need to speak about queer/trans encounters with law enforcement.
People need to speak because corporate media lies and ignores all grassroots movement.
People need to speak to the militarization of law enforcement, the bloody chain linking Ferguson to Palestine.

We welcome poetry, prose, essay, reports from the streets, photographs, artwork. We want to hear your ideas, organizing strategies, your vision of a better world. We want to know about community triumphs, sorrows, resolve, efforts.

Send your work, inquiries, ideas to [email protected]
Deadline is September 12, 2016