We’re looking forward to our workshop series, Exploring Nonviolence, which will begin on January 29. This series is the second we’ve offered in the last year, and these workshops will focus on structural and institutional forms of violence and successful ways to challenge them. Come join the conversation!
Join facilitators Rusty and Nancy Nelson to:
- Examine authority, conformity, and obedience in our lives;
- Look more closely at nonviolent social movements which have changed the course of history without generals, without weapons, and without making our history texts;
- Consider our roles in the future of our society;
- Escape the oppressive notion that overwhelming force has always prevailed; and
- Share the power of nonviolent action
Please call us at 838-7870 or email draugust@pjals.org to register.This three-part interactive series on the study and practice of active nonviolence will include homework & readings between sessions. You are encouraged to attend all three sessions. No prior experience necessary!
Saturdays Jan 29, Feb 5, Feb 12, 9:30a – 2:00p
Registration deadline: January 24. Limited spaces will fill quickly.
Registration cost: Free for PJALS members, $25 for general public, $15 for students