Paradise LostLearn more about the West Memphis Three and Jason’s case — join us on Monday July 9 at 6:30 at The Magic Lantern Lantern theater at 25 W. Main for the film “Paradise Lost,” the story of the West Memphis Three, from their 1993 murder convictions to 2011 release from prison. This showing is free of charge. All are welcome.

Then, on Saturday, July 21, 4 pm, on the Saranac Rooftop, 25 W. Main:

Jason Baldwin, of the West Memphis Three, will be joining us to share his powerful story of being a wrongfully convicted young man. Join PJALS Inland Northwest Death Penalty Abolition Group (INDPAG) for an evening of music, food, and education as we put a little life into our abolition work. Although Jason did not receive a death sentence, his co-defendant did and it played a role in Jason’s case. Jason is now living in Washington and working on death penalty abolition.

INDPAG is working with the state campaign, Safe & Just Alternatives, to abolish the death penalty in Washington State and we will be sharing ways you can get involved and support our work.