You are invited to join us for Why Race Matters: History, Systems and Strategies. Join the Peace and Justice Action League on January 15, 22 &29 from 10am to 1pm on Zoom!

Deepening our understanding of systemic racism is part of our commitment to racial justice and essential for strategic action! So we are excited to be offering this important workshop!

Using the acclaimed documentary Race: The Power of an Illusion, theWhyRaceMattersWorkshop addresses howracialinequities have been builtinto institutions and structures throughout our country,whyit is important to use aracialequity lens, and what we can do to advanceracialequity in our organizations and in our community.

This workshop is led by Greater Spokane Progress (GSP) Racial Equity Trainers Cohort facilitators, Duaa-Rahemaah Williams, Amber Abrahamson, Shar Lichty, and Liz Moore.

This virtual training is being held in 3 sessions on 3 consecutive weekends on:

  1. Saturday, January 15, 10am – 1pm
  2. Saturday, January 22, 10am – 1pm
  3. Saturday, January 19, 10am – 1pm

It is essential that participants attend all 3 sessions because each session builds on the previous content.

Click here to register!

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, January 14 at 12pm.

This workshop is designed to provide a foundation for racial equity work. Our objectives are to:

  • Examine beliefs aboutrace, advantage, and justice, and how these issues impact our communities,organizations, and institutions.
  • Define and discuss implicit bias and explicit bias and examples of how they operate on individual and institutional levels.
  • Gain awareness of historical cases of institutional racism.
  • Define terms and develop an understanding of the difference between: structural, institutional, andindividual racism; and equity and equality.
  • Identify structural and institutional racism, how it continues to impact us today, and begin tolook at the complexities of the intersections with other oppressed identities.
  • Discuss local examples of institutional racism and begin to think about next steps for ourselves and our organizations.

* Attendees will be asked to view 2 one-hour documentaries following session one and two in addition to the 3 facilitated sessions. Instructions will be emailed to you prior to session 1.

Workshop rates:

$40 per person (members of the general public)

$20 for members of PJALS

$5 Living lightly (self-identified low-income, students, seniors, etc.)

If cost is a barrier, please let us know.If you are able, you are encouraged to make an additional donation to cover the cost of putting on the workshop.

We are limiting workshop participants to 40. We will have a waiting list. For more information contact: Jac Archer at [email protected].

Click here to register!

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, January 14 at 12pm.