Jeremiah Manes

Jeremiah Manes is a 24 year old senior in the EWU Social Work program. He is from Coeur d’Alene and recently transferred from Lewis and Clark State and moved to Spokane. He pursued social work because the values associated with it resonated strongly with him. He joined PJALS hoping to build skills in the area of political activism where he has no previous experience

Jeremiah is involved in the Young Activist Leaders Program (YALP), the Peace and Justice Action Committee (PJAC) and the Palestine-Israel Human Rights Committee (PIHRC). He has really connected with PIHRC learning to be confident presenting this issue of oppression and human rights violations. Jeremiah feels that his social work education focuses on preparation for work with individuals, which is important, but he feels that he would be unsatisfied in a work setting where he was only helping one person at a time, the first person in an infinite line of people.

Jeremiah has an apartment in Browne’s Addition that he feels is the smallest apartment in Spokane. He likes to visit friends around the northwest, ride his bike around Spokane, and put sriracha on everything he eats. Jeremiah enjoys travel and would like to use the social work principals of social justice to help needy individuals internationally. He hopes to work for international non-profits that intervene in third world countries to improve community health. Jeremiah believes that those experiencing the greatest injustices in today’s globalized world ought to experience our greatest efforts at preventing those injustices.