Justin Filla, Young Activist Leader and PJALS intern
Justin Filla is from Cowiche, a small rural community outside of Yakima, WA. He was originally majoring in Criminal Justice, but after learning more about systemic issues that contributed to the delinquency of minors, he realized that he would rather be on the other side of the problem. Rather than putting people in jail he wanted to help them in other ways. He then decided the Social Work program would be a good fit. He is still considering finishing his degree in Criminal Justice, but would like to focus on his current program. For the last three years, Justin has been involved with ASEWU, the Associated Students of Eastern Washington University, and is currently the elected Student Services Representative.
Justin first heard about PJALS through a former intern who he worked with on the ASEWU. He was fascinated by the large range of issues that PJALS was involved in. He chose to do his internship with PJALS when he realized that many of the issues the organization works on were also important in his life, such as LGBT equality and police accountability.
Even in the few short weeks as an intern at PJALS, Justin has already had some memorable experiences. Topping the list for him was attending the event “Rally For Love,” and seeing many local religious leaders stand together in support of Referendum 74 and the freedom to marry for all couples regardless of gender or sexual orientation.
Justin would like to work in an organization that does macro level advocacy.