Peace & Justice Action Conference: Recap & Virtual Access
We came together for the Peace and Justice Action Conference in November.
You can still view all conference sessions virtually!
Over one hundred of us came together in person and online to fellowship, hear from amazing presenters, and receive education for action. This was our first in-person conference in two years, and we tried all kinds of new things, from live-streaming events, to offering fully hybrid workshop participation, to providing opportunities to volunteer with sponsoring partners.
Thanks to our hybrid approach, we are able to offer all conference content virtually.
All of the conference sessions were recorded. We have collected these recordings to make them available to all registrants on a password-protected webpage.
If you are already registered, but were were unable to attend all the sessions you hoped to, you can view them online. The password was delivered to registered conference participants on Tuesday morning, December 16th, via an email from Jac Archer.
If you were unable to register, please click below to register and receive the password. You can now “attend” all conference sessions virtually!
You can also check out the Facebook live-stream recording of our Friday Night event: Reproductive Rights Panel and Happy Hour benefiting PJALS and the Northwest Abortion Access fund.