Join us in online education for action!

promotional graphic of a Zoom screen. 3 boxes along the diagonal have photos of groups of people in workshop settings. the other 5 boxes have simple images that represent discussion, education, anti-oppression, and leadership development. One box also has white text that reads, "Talk about it Tuesdays"
Talk About It Tuesdays is a mini speaker series that will run from May – November, 2024 in lieu of the annual Action Conference this year. On the third Tuesday of each month, registrants will engage with speakers around our four organizational priorities and be offered additional educational resources and ways to take action. Education for action is a pillar of  the work we do at PJALS, and we are so excited to offer another consistent opportunity for members to be a part of!

July 16, 2024

War Tax Resistance 101

6:00pm – 7:00pm on Zoom

with Lincoln Rice & Chrissy Kirchoefer from the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (NWTRCC)

Register now

Nearly half of all federal income taxes are directed to US militarism. In addition, the current invasion of Gaza is largely funded by military foreign aid to Israel. Refusing payment of federal income taxes is one way to refuse direct participation in US militarism.
This session will be an introduction to the whys and hows of war tax resistance, with a discussion of potential consequences and resource referral. This session is aimed at people new to war tax resistance and those wanting more information about war tax resistance. This workshop will be facilitated by Lincoln Rice and Chrissy Kirchhoefer from the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (NWTRCC).

May 21, 2024

Peace and Truth Heals: Building Stronger Movements Together Webinar

with Moji Agha

Embark on a journey with Moji Agha, an Iranian-American Sufi monk, as he leads the Peace And Truth Heals (PATH) speaking tour across the Western U.S. & Canada. Join us as we delve into three pivotal themes: Iranian Nonviolence, Native/American Truth and Reconciliation, and Intersectional Circles (Chambers of Compassion) initiatives.

PATH’s mission revolves around fostering dialogue-based truth-telling, rooted in the ethos of decolonization. By confronting historical narratives and embracing diverse perspectives, we aim to cultivate peace, nonviolence, and systemic collaboration within civil society movements.

Following the presentation, engage with Agha in a thought-provoking Q&A session, where participants can delve deeper into the themes explored.

photo of 1 person in a parka coat and a light brown beanie hat. Person has medium to light skin with grey and white facial hair and is looking at the camera

Moji Agha


Moji Agha retired mental health professional and university educator in psychology and related social sciences (including conflict resolution), Moji Agha, a Sufi “monk” or dervish—with a vow of service and poverty–left a promising career well over two decades ago, shifting his extensive education and experience to the healing of “Grandmother Earth.” He has had a four-decades-long professional, clinical, and academic background in behavioral, cultural (and ecological) studies and conflict understanding and healing. His “intersectional” peace, justice, human rights, democracy, interfaith dialogue, and Mother Earth activism has been endorsed (and encouraged) by many legendary figures, such as the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Professor Noam Chomsky.

Brother Moji is a member of Historians for Peace and Democracy, and an Iranian-American (sufi) Muslim member of the Jewish Voice for Peace. An associate member of Veterans For Peace, he is a retired (now former) member of Psychologists for Social Responsibility.

March 2024

Ceasefire and Beyond: What’s Happening in Palestine/Israel and Its Impacts Q&A

with Sabrene Odeh and Dr. Alice Rothchild

In this moment, it is imperative to recognize our shared humanity and tied liberation. This facilitated Q&A session aims to create dialogue around the ongoing violence in Palestine/Israel. Participants are encouraged to submit questions ahead of time and actively engage during the webinar. Topics up for discussion include but are not limited to:

  • Historical and current conditions in Palestine/Israel
  • Rise in Islamophobic and antisemitic hate crimes and rhetoric
  • The necessary distinctions between people and their governments
  • Antisemitism, anti-Muslim racism, and imperialism fueling the United States government’s past and current role and support in the genocide faced by the Palestinian people
  • Current and lasting impacts of the ongoing violence

We are joined by Sabrene Odeh (she/her) who is the Co-founder of Baladna, an organization created for Palestinian community, organizing, and advocacy; as well as Alice Rothchild (she/her) a Jewish activist, author, and retired obstetrician who supported health care efforts in Gaza and now serves on the JVP Health Advisory Council. Following the Q&A, we take immediate action together. Join us in urging our legislators to advocate for a permanent ceasefire and the development of just and peaceful solutions to address the profound impacts on lives, displacement, and violence in Palestine and Israel.

Photo of 1 person. Light to medium skin tone with wavy long brown hair with highlights. Camera is slightly tilted and person is smiling.

Sabrene Odeh


Co-founder of Baladna

Photo of 1 person. Light skinned with gray to dark brown hair. They have a black top on and dangling earrings. Their hair is pulled back behind them.

Dr. Alice Rothchild
