Workplace Giving
Donations made effortless.

Did you know you can support PJALS every month through workplace giving?
These modest but regular infusions of financial support when multiplied by other members will fall like a steady, nourishing rain on our progressive groundwork. They will keep us going and growing, spreading our grassroots network.
Ask if your employer participates in United Way. If so, determine what percentage of your paycheck you can comfortably donate each month, then inform your employer you’d like to donate that amount to PJALS through United Way.
If you are a state employee, giving is easy! You can give through Washington’s Combined Fund Drive. Our Combined Fund Drive “Charity Code” is 0330292 and our Federal Tax ID Number is 91-1234899. Then, simply click “start giving to this charity.” It’s as easy as that.
If you don’t have channels for workplace giving, you can donate through your debit or credit card or set up automatic bill-pay through your credit union or bank.