Because of members like you, our PJALS community is ending the year stronger than ever. With our member-to-member matching challenge, you can make sure that momentum continues into 2022!

Over the last year, PJALS members like you took action to win new policing reforms and equitable districts for county elections. Together we participated in grassroots leadership development, raised funds to support the Salish School, and volunteered for peacekeeping with targeted communities. We’re working hard to push for the City of Spokane Office of Civil Rights, repeal the 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force, end US support for the Saudi war in Yemen. 2022 will also mean continued organizing to counter mass incarceration and white nationalism in Spokane County.

We are all in this together. Will you donate today to help meet our member-to-member matching challenge? Thanks to generous and committed PJALS members, all gifts by December 31 will be matched up to $8,150!

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As the coronavirus pandemic, economic crisis, and deliberate scapegoating of Black, young, and new Americans have continued this year — we the people showed up for each other. Together we created a mandate: protect representation of Black and Brown voters, take steps toward ending endless war and imperialism, continue to deliver inclusive community — not jail cells — for working families, ensure we all can get and stay well, and make this country a place where all of us can thrive.

NOW we need to go into 2022 shoulder to shoulder even while we are apart. We need to continue the momentum — building a movement for the long term transformation of systems that perpetuate racial and economic inequities. We continue to practice social distancing, but that doesn’t mean we can’t pull together. We can unite in action to advance racial equity, end mass incarceration in Spokane County, protect immigrant families, and counter white nationalists and so-called Christian dominionists. Together we can make Spokane County a place of inclusive democracy that works for us all.

In our Peace & Justice Action League community we know everyday people can accomplish extraordinary things together. We are powered by our mission: to build a just and nonviolent world. That means exposing and transforming systems of violence and oppression, including racism, patriarchy, and militarism. That means using an intersectional racial equity analysis and commitment. That means altering the relations of power so that people impacted by decisions are in the driver’s seat to make those decisions.

That means building a mass movement of everyday people committed to accountability and action. That means we can’t stop and we won’t stop!

Gifts from members like you mean we’ll go together into the new year with the fuel for long-term work! Will you donate today to help meet our member-to-member matching challenge? Thanks to generous and committed PJALS members, all gifts by December 31 will be matched up to $8,150!

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