Because of members like you, our PJALS community continues to grow and support our long-term organizing to expose and transform systems of hate, violence, exclusion and oppression to build a just and nonviolent world and create a culture of love and belonging. With our member-to-member matching challenge, you can make sure that momentum continues into 2024! 

Donate now!

Over the last year, PJALS members like you helped support the growth of our staff team to strengthen our communications and increase youth leadership, including 17 paid organizing interns; showed up to talk to voters and defeat Measure 1; participated in various actions and our annual Action Conference; and generously gave of your time and money.

We want to share this opportunity to hear from a few of our Youth Organizing Interns who came through our Young Activist Leadership Program this fall. This group of amazing young leaders spent 6 weeks contacting voters by text and phone, educating them on the importance of voting no on Measure 1 (a county-wide ballot measure that would have dramatically expanded our Spokane County jail). Overall, the 17 organizing interns sent out 21,500 text messages and 9,010 calls to voters, more than half of the voter contacts made to defeat Measure 1!

In our Peace & Justice Action League community we know everyday people can accomplish extraordinary things together. We are powered by our mission: to build a just and nonviolent world. That means exposing and transforming systems of violence and oppression, including racism, patriarchy, and militarism. That means using an intersectional racial equity analysis and commitment. That means altering the relations of power so that people impacted by decisions are in the driver’s seat to make those decisions.

That means continuing to build beloved community and nourishing a cross-race, cross-class movement both within our PJALS community and beyond. That means we can’t stop, and we won’t stop!

Gifts from members like you mean we’ll go together into the new year with the fuel for long-term work! Will you donate today to help meet our member-to-member matching challenge? Thanks to generous and committed PJALS members, staff, and Steering Committee all gifts by December 31 will be matched up to $13,600! 

Donate now!