building a just and nonviolent worldby Shar Lichty

After a summer off, our Peace & Justice Action Committee (PJAC) will be resuming our meeting schedule on Sept. 19th with a new approach: leadership development and campaign-specific organizing.

Liz and I have been trying to figure out how to do a version of our Young Activist Leaders Program for non-youth with our limited capacity because of the expressed interest we have received. As a way to re-energize the committee that focuses on our two main campaigns and provide leadership development opportunities at the same time, PJAC is taking on a whole new look. I have been working on developing the leadership development model, recruiting leaders, and drafting a plan for Sept through June. I am excited about the possibilities that lie within this new model.

PJAC will run Sept through June with a summer break during July and August. We will continue to meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month with one meeting consisting of either a training, presentation, or event and the other dedicated to break-out sessions for working groups on the two campaigns we will focus on: statewide revenue and Money for People, Not for War: Bring Our Billions Home. We want this meeting to be more member-driven, to provide opportunities for leadership development, to strengthen our relationships and organization, and to become a vibrant force in the campaigns we work on.

Here is a look at the next few months:

  • Sept. 19th: A Force More Powerful screening (Gandhi & lunch counter sit-ins), discussion and social (light snacks)
  • Oct. 3rd: Campaign Organizing workshop
  • Oct. 17th: Benefit screening of From Spokane with Love at Magic Lantern (see insert)
  • Nov 7th: Campaign planning in working groups for the year ahead
  • Nov. 21st: Legislative 101 with Paul Dillon, legislative aide to Sen. Billig
  • Dec. 5th: Lobby Training for MLK Day (WACAN + PJALS)
  • After the holiday break, in January we’ll focus on logistics and final planning for MLK Day actions in Olympia and Spokane!

The time is now to advance statewide organizing to advance the work to close corporate and luxury tax loopholes in our state and national organizing around militarism, Pentagon spending and the negative impacts both have on programs that benefit our communities. PJALS should play a lead role in both of these issues in Eastern Washington. We want and need the passion, dedication, and ideas of our fantastic members to help us make it happen!

Will you be a part of this exciting new approach? Will you make a commitment to participate in regular meeting Sept-June? Would you like to learn more about leadership opportunities and our vision for PJAC? I would love to talk with you about it, you can reach me at either [email protected] or 509-838-7870.