Peacekeeping & De-escalation Skills Training: Nonviolence in Action

Wednesday, August 23 5:30 pm – 8 pm
Community Building, 35 W. Main

Light refreshments at 5:30
Training begins at 6:00 pm and will finish at 8:00 pm.
No cost. Donations gladly accepted!

This workshop is designed for new and experienced activists, organizers, and folks thinking of volunteering as peacekeepers for any social justice cause. We’ll discuss how PJALS shares and applies principles of active nonviolence, through trained peacekeepers and other methods, at demonstrations for social justice and peace. We’ll cover nonviolence principles and guidelines, techniques to defuse and de-escalate potentially volatile situations, and how to organize a team of peacekeepers. And, we’ll practice so we are more likely to use these new skills in real life.

This workshop does not offer any guaranteed solutions to violence. It is a place to discuss and practice techniques which can be useful and effective.

This workshop will prepare potential peacekeepers for “Federal Budget Action: Let CMR know your budget priorities” Rally on Tuesday, August 29, for a series of anti-torture events in September and any future needs that arise in the current political climate. Successfully completing this training makes you eligible to join PJALS’ Peacekeeper Team, but there is NO obligation. Open to all.