Wednesday, November 6th 6-7:30 pm at The Monroe Room, 2003 N. Monroe, Spokane, WA

A Presentation by Pui-Yan Lam

The creative, flexible and fast-changing strategies used by Hong Kong people received a lot of attention in the media coverage of the recent pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong. In this talk, Pui-Yan Lam will discuss how the “leaderless,” decentralized nature of the movement has drawn out the talents and skills of individuals from a wide spectrum of Hong Kong society. She will highlight a few examples of the innovations that perform key tasks in the movement. In addition, she will talk about how previous social movements helped cultivate a culture of self-mobilization and crowd sourcing in Hong Kong. Finally, she will discuss the emerging tactical challenges and complex questions that a “leaderless” movement poses especially with the escalation of conflicts and violence.